ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K洁净室配件—棉签,1包20只价格|型号 _洁净室配件原理

ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K洁净室配件—棉签,1包20只


  • 商品编号:ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K洁净室配件—棉签
  • 货  号:ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K洁净室配件—棉签
  • 品  牌:TEXWIPE(Texwipe创建于1964年,总部设立在美国 Kernersville,为满足当时微电子行业对无尘擦拭产品的要求,创始人开发了世界上第一款无尘布,从此开创了无尘控制耗材这一市场领域。Texwipe在40多年的发展中,逐步完善了产品线,专业生产洁净室无尘布、灭菌无尘布、预湿无尘布、清洁(TOC)棉签、防静电棉签、洁净室拖把、无尘纸张等清洁耗材。40多年来,Texwipe以其优质、创新的产品成为微电子、生物制药行业内无尘控制产品的领导者。2008年Texwipe建立依工净化(吴江)有限公司,主要生产无尘布,并面对全球销售。)
  • 所得积分:4
  • 市场价: ¥743.88
  • 销售价: ¥400.00
  • 节省: ¥343.88

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ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K

ITW-TEXWIPE棉签TOCPK20 TX714K是众多质量实验室和科学的产品,我们必须提供非常有竞争力的价格。 ITW-TEXWIPE棉签低TOCPK20 TX714K / TWTX714K是广泛选择的ITW-TEXWIPE洁净室耗材的一部分。结合优秀的品质和合理的价格,ITW-TEXWIPE棉签低TOC验证PK20 TX714K / TWTX714K在能满足您的科研需求的同时,良好的价值为预算紧张的终端用户仍然提供。如果您对我们的任何无尘室用品有任何问题,请不要犹豫联系我们的客户服务,以便为您做进一步指导。




规格ITW-TEXWIPE棉签低TOC验证PK20 TX714K:说明:SWAB低TOC验证PK20 数量:20 50 /包案


我们敢100%的保证,我们所提供的产品正是您在新招的!联系我们!填写我们的询价很简单,我们更乐意有机会与您的采购部门合作,以便双方在任何特定的产品上获得最佳的报价 。

ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K is one of the many quality laboratory and scientific products we have to offer at very competitive pricing. ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K / TWTX714K is part of a wide selection of ITW-Texwipe Cleanroom supplies. Combining excellent quality with an affordable price, the ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K / TWTX714K can meet your scientific research needs while still offering a good value for a budget conscious end user. If you have any questions about any of our Cleanroom supplies please do not hesitate to contact our customer service for further guidance.

Available options for ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K

ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K, Package

ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K, Case

Specifications for ITW-Texwipe Swab Low Toc Validation PK20 TX714K:Description:SWAB LOW TOC VALIDATION PK20Unit:Case of 50 / Pack of 20

(Please note that the description and stock photo may not correspond to the specific model listed above)

We have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure that every laboratory product you receive is exactly what you are looking for! Contact us TODAY! Filling out our RFQ is very simple and we are more than happy to have the opportunity to work with your procurement department to get the best quote for any particular product you have in mind.

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