双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

  • 产品型号:  BIO-RAD代理 1610374
  • 简单描述
  • 双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand
    500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standards #161-0374

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications


  • Description
  • 技术指标


MW size range, kD 10–250
Stain type Dual Color
Volume, µl 500
Total number of applications 50
Shelf life at –20°C, months 12
Loading volume on mini gels, µl for Coomassie staining, 10
Loading volume on mini gels, µl for fluorescent blot detection, 5 of 1:10 dilution
Application Type
Monitoring electrophoretic separation for SDS-PAGE gels Yes
Molecular weight sizing on SDS-PAGE gels Yes
Monitoring blot transfer efficiency Yes
Fluorescence blots Yes
Molecular weight sizing on N/A
Loading Volume on Mini Gels
For Coomassie staining, µl N/A
For stain-free gels, µl N/A
For silver staining, µl N/A
For SYPRO Ruby staining, µl N/A
For blot development, µl N/A
StrepTactin conjugate working dilutions for colorimetric blot development N/A
StrepTactin conjugate working dilutions for chemiluminescence blot development N/A

The Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color standards are a mixture of ten recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), including eight blue-stained bands and two pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD).

双染蛋白MARKERPrecision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Stand

Applications and Uses

Choose Precision Plus Protein Dual Color standards for SDS-PAGE:

  • Monitoring electrophoretic separation
  • Molecular weight sizing
  • Monitoring blot transfer efficiency with easy orientation via multicolor standards
  • Fluorescent blot detection, with blue bands visualized in the red wavelength range and pink bands in the green wavelength (prepare a 1:10 dilution of the Dual Color standard and load 5 µl per well)

More Information

Loading buffer:
30% (w/v) glycerol, 2% SDS, 62.5 mM Tris, pH 6.8, 50 mM DTT, 5 mM EDTA, 0.02% NaN3, 0.01% bromophenol blue