Dwyer DPGW-05数字压力表价格|型号 _差压计原理

Dwyer DPGW-05数字压力表

Dwyer DPGW-05数字压力表量程是,0 to 15 psi

  • 商品编号:Dwyer DPGW-05数字压力表
  • 货  号:Dywer DPGW-05数字压力表
  • 品  牌:Dwyer|德威尔(美国Dwyer(德威尔)仪器仪表制造有限公司(Dwyer Instruments,Inc.)是一家对差压、温度、液位和流量的测量,变送和控制等方面拥有众多精密仪器仪表产品并且在价格上有强竞争力的仪器仪表制造公司。 我们拥有众多著名独特的品牌系列,例如,Magnehelic®,Photohelic® 差压仪表和Spirahelic®压力仪表,Rate-Master®,Mini-Master®和Visi-Float®流量仪表,Slack-Tube®和Flex-Tube®压力计,Dwyer®超微差压开关,还有Flotect®流量/液位开关,Hi-Flow®控制阀,Self-tune®温度控制仪和Iso-Verter®信号转换/隔离器等等著名品牌,现在公司把德威尔(Dwyer)产品分为Mercoid,W.E.Anderson,Proximity Controls和Love Controls四大部分,这些产品广泛应用于暖通,空调,食品,制药,生物工程,智能楼宇,电厂,化工,水处理,环境监测,工业制造等领域。 立于1931年的美国德威尔仪器仪表制造有限公司(Dwyer Instruments,Inc.)在1955年时把制造总部从伊利诺斯州的芝加哥市迁移到印地安那州的密歇根市并建立起新的更大,更加完善的制造工厂和辅助设施。以后公司又在印地安那州的瓦卡瑞萨,南怀特里,肯斯卜瑞,沃尔肯特建了四个工厂—接着又在加利福尼亚州的阿纳海姆,明尼苏达州的费格斯 费尔斯,密苏里州的堪萨斯城,和波多黎各的那加波建立了制造工厂。 除了制造和销售高质量和精密仪器仪表,德威尔(Dwyer)建立了标准并且完善的客户服务系统——包括具有竞争力的价格,知识渊博,礼仪周到的技术支持来保证持续的长期的合作关系。 Nano电子商城作为dwyer仪表中国总代理,从美国工厂直接定制产品,由美国德威尔Dwyer总代理dwyerinst亚太区办公室直接进行市场管理和支持。任何问题请致电免费电话:400 660 9565 Since the company was founded in 1931, customers have come to recognize Dwyer Instruments to stand for quality, reliability, and readily available low cost products. As a leading manufacturer in the controls and instrumentation industry, we continue to grow and serve major markets including, but not limited to HVAC, chemical, food, oil and gas, and pollution control. New applications are discovered daily through a cooperative effort between Dwyer and its customers. It has been these relationships with our customers that allow us to continue to develop market demand products and further our success from leading established brand names such as the Magnehelic® differential pressure gages, Photohelic® pressure switch/gages, Rate Master® flowmeters, and Hi-Flow® valves. In addition to new product development, Dwyer has added to its success through several acquisitions and has achieved additional market recognition. Respected names such as Mercoid Controls, Love Controls, W.E. Anderson and Proximity Controls have created new markets and further build on the solid reputation that Dwyer has and continues to sustain. Our ability to successfully diversify demonstrates Dwyer’s managed approach to the marketplace. This approach continues to maintain stability of the company, therefore providing a basis for positioning ourselves as a leader in providing knowledgeable, prompt, and courteous customer service. As our customer, prospect, or potential employee, we always want to hear from you. Please feel welcome to contact us anytime.)
  • 所得积分:9
  • 市场价: ¥1080.00
  • 销售价: ¥900.00
  • 节省: ¥180.00

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精度:±1.0% F.S.(包括线形、迟滞性、重复性)


温度极限:30 to 120°F (-1 to 49°C).

热漂移:0.05% FS/°F.

尺寸:2.62″O.D. x 1.52″长度.

过程连接:1/4″male NPT.

显示:4-digit LCD(.425″H x .234″W digits).



重量:5.6 oz (160 g).  认证:CE.

型号 量程 压力范围 解析率 
范围 psi kg/cm2 bar in Hg ft wc kPa psi
DPGW-00 0 to 30 in. Hg (vac) -14.7 -1.033 -1.013 -29.93 -33.94 -101.4 0.01
DPGW-04 0 to 5 psi 5 0.3515 0.3447 10.18 11.53 34.47 0.002
DPGW-05 0 to 15 psi 15 1.055 1.034 30.54 34.6 103.4 0.01
DPGW-06 0 to 30 psi 30 2.109 2.068 61.1 69.2 206.8 0.01
DPGW-07 0 to 50 psi 50 3.515 3.447 101.8 115.3 344.7 0.02
DPGW-08 0 to 100 psi 100 7.03 6.89 203.6 230.7 689 0.1
DPGW-09 0 to 200 psi 200 14.06 13.79 407.2 461.3 1379 0.1
DPGW-10 0 to 300 psi 300 21.09 20.68 611 692 2068 0.1
DPGW-11 0 to 500 psi 500 35.15 34.47 1018 1153 3447 0.2